3 Ideas You Can trade on usdjpy

Fed interest rate yesterday lead the usdjpy back to downtrend moves its probably will lead to test again the lower sides and even lower but…    

Overnight, Fed again left the financial arrangement unaltered with Kansas City Fed president Esther George the main individuals supporting a rated climb. Policymakers minimized the appraisal of financial exercises, however, included the balance in pace ought to be transient. While recognizing the change in the work showcase, the national bank saw little confirmation that swelling and expansion desires were firming. The “danger” dialect was evacuated, while discourses are that ‘adjust of danger’ was not found, in the April proclamation. It was, in any case, supplanted by the vow that the Fed would proceed to ‘nearly screen swelling pointers and worldwide monetary and money related advancements’. We see the Fed is not in a rush to expand financing cost further. While there stays chance for a climb in June, policymakers abstain from showing a high risk of it. More in Fed Removes Language On Risks, June Hike Remains Possible But Uncertainty Increases.
usdjpy hops today after BoJ kept fiscal strategies unaltered. Interest was held at – 0.1% while the focus of yearly money related base development was kept up at usdjpy 80T. Then, BoJ made a JPY 300b credit system to give assets to money related establishments hit by seismic tremor, at zero premium. BoJ additionally brought down swelling estimate and pushed back the planning for meeting 2% focus by 6 months. That is, BoJ now extends expansion to move back to focus until March 2018. The move, or the absence of move, got markets by an astonishment and there were a few desires of extra money related jolt from this meeting.

usdjpy rate

from the technical side  on the usdjpy price  :If we will look on the usdjpy we can see that he has not success to go up above 111.80 ,if 107.60 will break down again and today bar will close those level it will be assign for more downside on the usdcad to 106.70 levels as I mention my last post ,now the target on the usdjpy stand on 106.70 area
if this level will break down so the next support zone atay in 104 area,From other currency  sides like usdcad , we see also the same pattern. 

If we will look on the COT data  as i mention on my last posts we see also that the position are getting  bearish sign 

usjpy position
usdjpy cot

Final words:
we can see there is more room for going down follows strong moves by the expectation,
don’t surprise if we will see usdjpy going lower over the last lows, if usdjpy will find support on 106.70 so it can be a good point to test some long  but if it will not we need to expect even stronger moves the lower side for downtrend for 104 area

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