EUR/USD New Low Or Just A….

EUR/USD Price Technical Analysis Forecast Update 

EUR/USD failed to stay above 1.085, closed last week at 1.0564. Break down 1.050 will target 1.0460 key support zone, break of 1.0461 will confirm the bearish case will continue
ECB stepped up to the plate on Thursday, at the same time prepared the markets for a tapering of bond purchases by embedding the decline in purchases in a larger overall plan.  By extending the program by 9-months instead of the 6-expected and reducing the purchases by 20 billion per month, the ECB added a net 60 billion to the total plan.

As I mention my last post in October 

EUR/USD  technıcal analysıs

Not just the pattern you can see in the chart,but we can see also the box :

Shuffle broad bands since last year, which means that a breakthrough up or down, let the target of the Strip
I would say the skeptics among us, for the continuation of the trend short position, wait for a euro break 1.0390 area, in order to enter the continued downward movement
In any case here too, and I raised the format in October, the goal is the same: 0.98


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