crude oil price does not stop and continues to riseHow long will this rally continue in crude oil price? In my opinion or we saw the high today in the opening in the 67.80 areas crude oil going to 69+ and there we will see the oil price rebound to the $ 56-58 range crude oil technical analysis let’s check the…
crude oil prices technical analysis update The same story repeats again ….. CRUDE OIL COT position and MAP position In terms of positions monument, we can see some interesting stuff There is more room for decline – short traders advantage pay attention Periods of june 2015 with oil Positions And again in the same story in august 2016 There is…
crude oil prices rebound after crash tonight Failed Doha deal A few examiners had called this the most vital oil meeting in decades. It was broadly expected that the meeting would end without an assertation crude Oil prices costs hopped a week ago, with WTI achieving a year-to-date high above $40 per barrel, after features crossed that OPEC heavyweight Saudi…