usd cad forecast

400 pips trading on USD CAD And How You Can Make Money

USD CAD  Technical analysis The Canadian dollar continues to gain, fell to a low of 1.3060,  almost the lowest level since  July 19 after the election closed  Justin Trudeau started his second term as the Canadian Prime Minister with the minority Liberal government. Any progress in U.S.-China trade would likely raise risk appetite and boost the Canadian Dollar. Historically, the…

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Will the Canadian dollar break the support and get a strong move down or it will get a bounce on the support

Canadian Dollar Technical analysis The Canadian dollar continues to gain, last week fell sharply to a low of 1.3058, its lowest level since  Nov 17 , any progress in U.S.-China trade would likely raise risk appetite and boost the Canadian Dollar. As mention in, last post: the Canadian Dollar face in a very interesting situation for the continuing  trend On…

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what will be the next move on Usd cad

what will be the next move on Usd cad what the past could tell us on the Ways to Make the Best of Usd cad You’ll note on the outline that the estimated level held as backing at the major 2008-2009 highs in the usd/cad and again in mid-2015 appear again.Since late January, the coin pair has slid in a…

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