Crude Oil Prices Technical Analysis Update

crude oil prices technical analysis update

The same story repeats again …..

COT position and MAP position 
In terms of positions monument, we can see some interesting stuff
There is more room for decline – short traders advantage
pay attention
Periods of june 2015 with oil Positions
And again in the same story in august 2016
There is more room to press down • Pay attention to the number of positions

crude oil cot position
crude oil cot position

Technical Analysis:
If oil will move below 39.70 again the next stop will be at 37.20+_, we can see that there is even more room for lower prices numbers 33-35 area, 
for my opinion crude oil expected to meet again 33-34$ 
The trend is bearish as long as crude oil stay below the level of 43.80 – 44.60 -Move above will change the trend 

oil technical analysis
crude oil analysis

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