Do we have a golden opportunity or there’s a scary joker here

Market overview due to recent events

This time I’ll  start something on a personal note
Friends I do not know if you all know me, but I am Israeli, and Iran’s interest in all that is constantly here, we live this story in Israel, and it’s not new for us.

To me, it’s no surprise what’s going on these days – dealing with the snake’s head is what’s happening.
On the other hand, my heart is about the Iranian people I know and trust that it is peace-loving, just the problem that the rule and extremism of the Ayatollah and Hezbollah reign terror and fear, which is sad and infuriating, something that is happening in other Middle Eastern countries
Fortunately here in Israel, there is a democracy, a little scoop, we have elections for the third time because they failed to form a government
There is a saying that says 2 Jews 8 opinions 🙂 lol
The bright spot is that at least we have the option to express ourselves and make an impact, we are peace-loving and not looking for wars, but in the case of Iran, only a fool will close his eyes and shut his ears, saying that they are peaceful – whenever they have, they express strongly, rather than whisper That they want to destroy the Zionist entity, and in general, are anti-democratic and anti-Western, who want to bring back the days of darkness to the world.

In my heart, I hope that there will be someone who will reign in power there to dissolve and disappear, in one way or another, and that there will be a good government for the people and peace, because what are we, most people, most looking for? Normal, without wars and fears – let live quietly

Now after the words let’s move on to the actions and market analysis
Wednesday tends to be a strong day in trading with strong and sometimes inverted movements – if this day closes as it began I’m not sure at all …….
I will focus on 3 properties

About the first one us Indices – see last post-2020 Markets Forecast 

look closely at the NASDAQ &  SP 500

NASDAQ:If  8500 area levels break down, expect a sharp downward movement, and if you pay attention to the scenario that used to be, if that is the case, then it will be interesting – on the other hand, support for the above area will lead to new highs as I wrote above

markets forecast
markets analysis

SP 500:If  3160 area levels break down, expect a sharp downward movement, and if you pay attention to the scenario that used to be, if that is the case, then it will be interesting – on the other hand, support for the above area will lead to new highs as I wrote above

stock market forecast
stock market analysis

Gold –  last time post was Is there a quick potential of $ 100 in gold, or is it just a pause before another move?

as long 1553 price area hold the trend is up and i will not be surprised to see 1720 $

gold price outlook
gold analysis

Crude oil: Do we have a replay in the oil price markets?
as I mention ” most likely lead crude oil to cope with 67$ or even 73$” – but we need to see the price remain and hold above 63.80! for that

crude oil forecast
crude oil  analysis

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