eurusd price technical anlysis

Doing Eurusds theRight  Way

my last review on 22.8.2015 :
eurusd going to 1.1650-1.1730 As long as he keeps over the area 1:11
When, stops on the way: 1.1240 1.1320 1.1460

eurusd technical

update for  28.8.2015 :
EURUSD traded at the last day’s lows in 1.1250 areas. Breaking down 1.1060 area will lead of the potential for further declines.  

Technically, a corrective low from August 21 at 1.17 areas comes in at 1.1250 and a move back above this level will show there is willing for see higher rates for the eurusd ,the correction could go even to 1.1460 areas

PS. The Big PIC: see close look on the long term chart 
We can see the crosses between the bands = more down trend to come…..

eurusd technical

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