The Turkish lira only receives negative data all the time. Is the peak still ahead ?

Turkish lira analysis

TURKEY inflation rates soared to nearly 25 percent, latest data and political issue (American pastor that’s been detained in Turkey on terrorism charges could be released next month.
The trial will take place on 12 October – The odds are now much more of a 50/50 probability event that has been the case ahead of previous hearings) only deepen the growing currency crisis in Turkey, with the struggling Turkish lira having already lost nearly 40 percent of its value this year against the dollar.

Turkish lira had become the world’s most unstable currency, is it going to change?

Turkish lira  price analysis
Turkish lira analysis

Turkish lira analysis
Technical analysis update Long-term trend forecast moved is still up as long as 5.81 will hold! Break below 5.31 on weekly basis will send the Turkish to 4.18 weekly close below 4.18+- will confirm for more down moves. Break below 5.91 will send the Turkish to 5.31- below these levels; you need to watch long-term trends mentions above In terms of behavior. I think the Turkish lira is not expected to recover below 5.31 –next target if the top will break up again is standing on 8.36-8.72! Short-term trend forecast: as long as Turkish lira will trade below 6.54 the target is located in the 6.21-6.27 price area with an option to went down over 5.88 +_ price or even to 5.76 +_ price – daily closed above 6.31+_ will confirm that the correction is over

Turkish lira chart
Turkish lira

The short story on Turkish lira – you can check here for more details 

Last 3 months we saw an audiovisual show of the Turkish Lira mention here not once that Turkish lira located  in Dance of demons

equilibrium point currently stays at 5.73 Turkish lire for one USD according to the chart


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