Who will win this time the battle between Buyers and sellers on the SP 500


SP 500 drop down hard yesterday and made  a great recovery

After SP 500  settled new record this year The markets set new highs after the big correction at the beginning of the year, where are they headed from here?

 it started to runt out power, the question now is arewe going to get a new low or it’s only a healthy correction for the last move?

Short term forecast suggest for more continue up move with a target on the index from almost  the last top record break
(2820 -2860 +-  points  ) – is supposed to give target’s on the sp500
while in the other hand break down again 2574 +_ price area will confirm for more downtrend to 2480+_ price area
the scenario for my opinion now is that we are we are going to see rebound to
2820-2860 will be first resistance on the sp 500                                 
Support levels below last lows check line as mention above stay in -2574 -2480 -2390  points for this move.

SP 500  price analysis
SP 500 analysis

Technical analysis view:
This time I brought a combination chart SPHB with the sp500 index
SPHB tracks 100 components of the S&P 500 with the highest beta coefficients. You might say these are the blue-chip index’s riskiest stocks. SPLV takes the opposite tack. It’s made up of 100 components of the S&P 500 exhibiting the lowest volatility.
At the top of the year, the ratio was 1 it’s since stair-stepped upper to the 1.31 level as the S&P 500 went lower. look on 2015-2016 we can see that high volatility is here and from this point, it will increase
One can see the clear convergence, which was one of the declines that began in January
An examination of the level of resistance, buyers versus sellers is reflected well on the price graph of the index, what now?
I think that the main level stays in the price level of 2820-2860. The continuation of the move above those levels will confirm moves towards high price levels and creating new highs, while in the other hand close below 2574 will send the sp 500 lower

SP 500  price forecast
SP 500 forecast 

This review does not include any document and/or file attached to it as an advice or recommendation to buy/sell securities and/or other advice


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