Crude Oil prices technical analysis by the Numbers

Oil continues to decline, and the market seems willing to welcome the $ 20 very soon                                            But, is there, we are going ????

Crude oil can be seen that the Last support area holds
Are we are going to  26-28$…. and performed a move that will lead to areas 51-4$……

let’s test the Canadian dollar compatibility we will see oil prices the past  weeks when the currency follows strong moves by the expectation, at the moment I expect for radical moves
don’t surprised if  the amendment to the level of 1.24 + _ equivalent to the level of 51-4 oil price, if oil will move more than that we need to expect even stronger repair more at the level of 1.19 + _”

Look carefully  crude oil they are the key factor 

Another leg up in the usdcad / will lead to 1.46+_ or 1.48-90  
(With an option to continue the level from 1.54 to 55)
 the 1.46-1.48 Area hand by hand with crude oil to 26-28 prices
Good luck 

Now if i see the right pic we are going for some corrections
According to patterns who caught my eyes:

I have already said several times in the usdcad that in 1:41 to 1:43 levels  there is potential for corrections in the  Canadian 

From Looking on number of things, I get some other impressions
For a long time, I analyze the relationship between the Canadian currency prices and oil

I spoke about this correlation many times in recent years.
now i see  there two patterns who catch my eye:
oil chart is in Type of building wedge, it could leading to prices corrections over 50 $
Another thing that watched in Canadian dollars charts
It seems, which makes the same move that was in 2006-7, which led a sharp correction.
As a reminder,  you can watch my post on the usdcad in the 1.07  price level That noted usdcad is going to  1:31.
Now, remains to be seen whether this time too it will come……
If yes, then I predict targets, 1.24-1.19 in usdcad  area with oil prices  in 51-55

crude oil pattern
crude oil

usdcad pice

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