Facebook stock price technical analysis forecast

The 3 Best Facebook analysis Feeds to Follow

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)

The stock recorded the first trade at 114.75 and was last seen hovering around 116.77. In the underway trading session, its stock moved up to reach a high of 117.59 while low of 113.91.
Facebook is facing scrutiny from European regulators over its privacy controls. If the outcome of these investigations is unfavorable, then Facebook might have to pay heavy fines and alter its business model in the region. This could have negative impact on the stock. Technical analysts suggest that a break below $98 would trigger a bearish trend, from the other hand positive scenario could send the price to 121-126 $
Open gap at 28.1.2016 seem to be close if not today so tomorrow ……
Long term support stay at 83-84$

facebook technical analysis

fb analysis

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