Have we seen the peak in palladium prices as it was at 2001?

 Palladium Analysis

Palladium prices have been steadily increasing since 2008, in line with world demand, especially from the hybrid vehicle industry.
A sharp rise in prices can be seen mainly from August 2018,
From a price level of $ 800 to a record level set last March in the $ 1,600 area
 Can I record keeper behind – the same can not yet know, but if you pay attention graphs and data of positions in the markets, you can see some interesting things:
The last produced implies a bubble move similar to 2001

palladium price analysis
palladium technical analysis

As far as volume is concerned, it can be seen that there were very high trading volumes during the days of the falls, which indicates the release of merchandise
The positions report shows a move in 2014 that led to a decline in palladium prices

Will these three figures lead to palladium prices to correct prices downwards?

one more chart To show you the relationship between the prices of palladium VS gold:

palladium VS gold analysis
palladium VS gold

Technically, it can be said that at the moment, the entire blackness of the palladium is below the 1460-1470 area. The tendency is negative

A break of area 1300 will send the palladium to the area of ​​$ 1,150

palladium technical analysis
palladium  analysis

This review does not include any document and/or file attached to it as advice or recommendation to buy/sell securities and/or other advice


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