GOLD Technical Analysis

We experienced sharp declines yesterday in markets in all sectors
Next week will be the US election – the market is turbulent and volatile and it is very natural
Will we get a rally back above $2050 or beyond or this will become the end of the journey

Last post on gold was Has the trend changed in Gold and silver or is it just a short pause

For gold Closing, today is very critical Below the 1943-1957 area, it indicates a short-term weakness and we are heading to check the 1843-1868 price area “
monthly 38.2% Fib in the $1,840 area is on the cards.
GOLD news
GOLD  price
If you pay attention to the move that took place in 2019, you can see a lot of parallel lines:
Behavioral cuts and a number of other things – if the same conditions continue then there is something to look forward to, and especially the positive side, as long as the 1830-1850 area is not broken! Current price activity suggests major support near $1850
gold rate
gold  technical analysis
The Fed is expected to keep interest rates at current low levels until 2023
The US dollar, which has a huge impact on gold prices, faces a period of weakness over the medium term. The expectations of large stimulus packages still to be released into the market also favors gold
Gold has been trading as a ‘risk-on’ commodity. So, when the US stimulus package finally gets passed this will boost risk assets and lift gold along with it
There is definitely something to look forward to in the markets
Good luck to everyone
gold forecast price
gold forecast prediction

This review does not include any document and/or file attached to it as advice or recommendation to buy/sell securities and/or other advice

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