is this is the same case, if yes, you should get ready for more action on the markets

 will the markets continue to go up or we have an opportunity 

Global financial markets rose yesterday by centrist Emmanuel Macron’s win in the first round of French presidential election.
CAC 40 closed at 9 years high at 5268.85, DAX rose 3.37% to close at a record high.US indices followed with NASDAQ closing at a record high at 5983.82, up 1.24%. DJIA and S&P 500 rose 1.05% and 1.08% resistance

the last post on the markets could also to show you some directions

This week is full of upcoming important news:
US – Trump going  to corporate tax rate to 15% Wednesday
Fed fund futures are now pricing in 66.1% chance of a hike in June, and it was below 50% last week.
The outlook of Fed rate, yields and Dollar will largely depend on what US President Donald Trump will deliver. It’s reported that Trump would seek to lower corporate income tax rate to 15%, down from 35%.
 However, there are talks that such a plan would set up clashes with Republicans as some of them would oppose to raising the country’s debt. The outline of the plan itself would be the first test for Dollar. And the execution of the plan, including parliamentary approval, will be another test.
FRANCE – the story didn’t over yet, we have second round on 7.5.2017
Currently, polls suggest that Macron will beat Le Pen in on May 7 by 62-38, The poll results have been rather steady since March.

On the technical side, I want to show you similar pattern 

markets  technical pattern
markets pattern
Attached  graph of Dow Jones
I saw something interesting on the Dow Jones price chart
The Gap that opened on 7.11 and 9 closed
Below today’s graph will the move be the same ……
If so then:
An increase to the 20892 area is expected to decrease the closing of the Gap and even lower with the possibility of areas of 2000-20300 or alternatively even up to the area of 20973 and then go down to close the Gap
If the area of 20978 is breached then the track consideration should be reconsidered
Apropos is also interesting in terms of time – Trump is supposed to announce the program,
In terms of schedules for the previous move, it is the same
Technical analysis on the DOW show us there is support trend on 20130+_ points 
dow jones technical analysis
dow jones analysis

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