Markets Long & Short – Term Forecast

Review Status 
Nasdaq 100 dont stops in red, racing like a bull at a red robe ….. 
As I argued last review the target is 4120
Forecasts and expectations of further movement: 
Thorough review of charts I saw the possibility of further increase is more than likely but, 
In September, I think we will see him going back to test 3940-4000 levels when 
If these levels hold then the rising trend is expected to continue (equivalent for 2003) 
If these levels do not hold then the exercise can expand and reach the heights of 3860, with an option to test my key level of 3720 points 
Would not be surprised to see the US indices continue to rise after exercise performance goals, and the continued movement of more than 30 percent 

SP500 could reach areas of 2600 points when there assuming the exercise and it will be short stops in the level of 1930-60 points parallel Nasdaq 3940-4000

This review does not including any document and / or file attached to it as advice or recommendation to buy / sell securities and / or other device.

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