Published on
12/29/13 5:33 AM
Pacific Daylight Time
“CAD pair has long shuffles
Since 2009 until now traded in a narrow strip since determined the Depression in 2007 at0.89
In 2002, a record 1.62 in
Now faces a resistance band in the 1.08 to 1.09
If break this level then heading to the 1.14, when the target is set in 1.27″

update for  04.01.2015
As I wrote earlier this year, is expected an interesting year in the CAD

We are approaching the1.1930 level ,Nearest support level lies in 1.1560 
If we will look the charts we can see that the pattern lead to 1.1870 area_+
next levels stay in 1.22 area and after 1.25 area 
Notice the interesting scenario can be generated template pair (last graph)

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