Usdjpy increased to 119.02 from 117.46 in January of 2015 ,during the 
session on Friday as the nonfarm payroll number was better than anticipated
119.60 area could be resistive, but crossing up this leves will probably take usdjpy to 123-124 area  and even to 127. With the strength of friday closed, there seems to be quite a bit of underlying buying pressure in this marketplace as the Yen continues offer very little in the way of returns.
The 117.80-118 level looks like it  a bit of a floor at this point,    
we have two options
  1.Wait for crossing up the 119.60 area and enter long position to 123-124 area

2.wait for some corrections to 118.30-60  area and enter long position with the same s/l 

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