usdtry price technical pattern show

usdtry price technical analysis

look at the charts – the trend is in uptrend mode 
second we can see that  the momentum has decrease abit

the support areas remain on the 2.34 areas break down 2.4975 2.5143  will send the pair to                 2,41-2,44 areas ,close look at the usdtry will give us more information reinforcement for continue        up /down  (look the charts) 

technical update for  13.04.2015 :
we can see the pattern in the chart it show us that there us more space for upside move to 2.69-2.74 area

important  economics news will publish at 22 April 2015:                                                                TCMB Interest Rate Decision 
Previous:  7.5%     Forecast:7.25%

usdtry technical analysis

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