crude oil forecast

Crude oil Price Prediction step by step

Crude oil Forecasting step by step  “Crude oil can be seen that the Last support area holdsAre we are going to  26-28$…. and performed a move that will lead to areas 51-4$……” The move was realized one by one, Then I repeated several times that oil will be difficult to go through these levels Now I think, by the behavior…

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Crude Oil Prices Technical Analysis Update

crude oil prices technical analysis update The same story repeats again ….. CRUDE OIL COT position and MAP position  In terms of positions monument, we can see some interesting stuff There is more room for decline – short traders advantage pay attention Periods of june 2015 with oil Positions And again in the same story in august 2016 There is…

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Where Is The Next Stop For Crude Oil Prices

CRUDE OIL PRICES  TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Let’s start with the lows at 26$ and the expected run to 50 areas: it was written here  now I’m going to focus and test the sıtuatıon we have ,There are several interesting thingsFirst, as I mentioned in a previous post – the oil is going to close the Gap area of the $ 40, and…

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The Dummies’ Guide to Crude Oil

The Dummies’ Guide to Crude Oil Crude oil the Current Situation:There are several things on the graphWeekly overview image, there are two very significant Candles: The First Candle is a candle closing Bear 51.70 and 48.90 in the second candle on the other hand is a bullish candle with a bottom closure in 45.70 and 48.90 zoneThese candles can learn…

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