
New lows in EUR /USD what we should expect for the future?

EUR USD   TECHNICAL ANALYSIS EUR/USD drops sharply to as low as 1.1033 confirms the resumption of the downtrend. The US Dollar surged in reaction to the Fed’s hawkish interest rate cut yesterday.Federal Reserve lowered its benchmark interest rate by 25 bps for the first time since December 2008 but the lack of commitment of future rate cuts turned out to…

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Factors point for a temporary halt at the crude oil prices

Crude oil Technical analysis Oil prices fell sharply  Tuesday and yesterday  as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that Iran was ready to come to the negotiating table over the nuclear deal Crude Oil Inventories Monthly Report IEA stated that the oil market showed a global surplus in the second quarter this year versus previous expectations for a deficit.…

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Palladium Three comes out one: Is this just the beginning of the journey, Double Top or a replay of 2000-2001

 Palladium Analysis Palladium is a component that is related to industrial output and economic output for many industries: Automotive, Technology, Medical Devices and Equipment, and many others. if palladium price will decrease, it would likely result in a decreasing or weakening global economic outlook and, potentially, be an early warning sign, that the global stock markets are about to enter…

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Has the Turkish lira reached the bottom and is about to embark on a long repair journey, or is it still too early?

Turkish lira analysis In the past two weeks, good news has flowed into the Turkish lira Turkish lira soared nearly 2.8 percent Monday to its strongest level since April after President Tayyip Erdoğan said he heard from U.S. President Donald Trump there would be no sanctions over Turkey’s purchase of Russian S-400 defense systems Turkey’s exports hit a record $88.2…

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Will the Canadian dollar break the support and get a strong move down or it will get a bounce on the support

Canadian Dollar Technical analysis The Canadian dollar continues to gain, last week fell sharply to a low of 1.3058, its lowest level since  Nov 17 , any progress in U.S.-China trade would likely raise risk appetite and boost the Canadian Dollar. As mention in, last post: the Canadian Dollar face in a very interesting situation for the continuing  trend On…

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