Turkish lira

Does Turkish Lira back to high volatility and the days of grace are over?

Turkish lira Analysis News Losses for the Turkish lira deepened last week after Ankara’s deteriorating relationship with Washington – The Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week passed the Risch Bill, which aims to impose sanctions on Turkey for its purchase of Russian-made S-400 missile defenses and its latest offensive in Syria. Turkish lira slide to its weakest level in daily…

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Has the Turkish lira reached the bottom and is about to embark on a long repair journey, or is it still too early?

Turkish lira analysis In the past two weeks, good news has flowed into the Turkish lira Turkish lira soared nearly 2.8 percent Monday to its strongest level since April after President Tayyip Erdoğan said he heard from U.S. President Donald Trump there would be no sanctions over Turkey’s purchase of Russian S-400 defense systems Turkey’s exports hit a record $88.2…

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The Turkish lira only receives negative data all the time. Is the peak still ahead ?

Turkish lira analysis TURKEY inflation rates soared to nearly 25 percent, latest data and political issue (American pastor that’s been detained in Turkey on terrorism charges could be released next month.The trial will take place on 12 October – The odds are now much more of a 50/50 probability event that has been the case ahead of previous hearings) only deepen the growing currency crisis…

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Turkish Lira Dance of Demons -The story is not over yet

Turkish lira technical analysis The Turkish lira since last month’s trading, which reached unprecedented levels, cannot recover – the story there is not yet over for me –  reached an all-time high of 7.10 in August of 2018   the decline was being driven by the downgrade of Turkey’s currency by credit rating agencies S&P and Moody’s late Friday, this step…

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