will Erdogan success to strength the Turkish lira by preventing and restricting foreign investors to sell

Turkish lira analysis

On Sunday, 31 March 2019  Turkish local elections will perform
Turkey has made it virtually impossible for foreign investors to sell the lira
As an indication of how bad the liquidity crunch is, the cost of borrowing the lira overnight in the offshore market surged more than 10-fold over the last two days to the highest since Turkey’s 2001 financial crisis.
The goal of the bank and Erdogan is to limit the weakening of the Turkish lira by preventing and restricting foreign investors, including the interest rates it gives or takes in the Turkish lira
Overnight swaps were changed radically – Turkish bank try to keep lira rates with high swaps on Turkish lira – we see almost 1000 pips overnight this is really crazy …..

Turkish lira swap points
Turkish lira swap

Turkish lira technical analysis
Long-term trend forecast moved is still up as long as 4.90+_ will hold!
Break below 5.31 on weekly basis will send the Turkish to 5.06
a weekly close below 4.90- will confirm for more down moves.
Break above 5.76 will send the Turkish again to higher levels – below these levels; you need to watch long-term trends mentions above In terms of behavior
if the top will break up again, is standing on 8.36-8.72- look again on the charts I found that if this case is the same as 2001 to 5.06 price area is can be shown on the charts if 5.30 will break down again on daily basis
Short-term trend forecast: as long as the Turkish lira will trade below 5.63 the target is located in 5.23+_ price area with an option to went down over 5.18 +_ price than to 5.06
Daily closed above 5.81+_ will confirm that the correction is over!

Turkish lira price analysis
Turkish lira price analysis

Turkish Lira in Dance of Demons all the story is here 

USD TRY  price analysis
USD TRY  analysis
To simplify the situation of the Turkish lira here is the story
Last 3 months we saw an audiovisual show of the Turkish Lira mention here not once that Turkish lira located  in 

This review does not include any document and/or file attached to it as an advice or recommendation to buy/sell securities and/or other advice



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  • ExcelSHE - Letters & Templates
    Posted June 23, 2019 10:31 pm 0Likes

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  • Excel Tmp
    Posted June 30, 2019 9:09 pm 0Likes

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