How Far Will The Correction In The Markets Continue?

Markets, Decrease for the purpose of increases or …


              Markets Forecast

What next …..

If we compare the moves to 98-99 again, then it is quite possible that we have a reduction here for the purpose of immigration, the burden of proof is on the price, of course

Currently the situation is as follows:
As long as the DJI index is below the 20830 + area, the short trend is downward declines
from looking at the price on graph you can see a number of things

there was high sales volumes last week

Support and resistance levels:
The resistance, as I said, is in area 20830
Support – there are a number of areas: 20430 20100 and 19800 and the most important is the level of 19600 points



The current move of the amendment, in my opinion, will send the DOW JONES index to the region of 19800 points+_

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