Markets nervous is about to come, or its here already

Markets correction is about to come – part 2 

Markets correction is about to come part1 

Today’s news just came in: China may halt purchases of U.S. Treasuries. This is a multi-decade shift in China’s policy as China shifts from buying Treasuries to buying commodities and Stocks dropped immediately on this news.

U.S. stock futures slumped today, as investors paused for breath and booked some profits after a string of all-time highs that helped the S&P 500 score it’s most records in a new year since 1964.

Traders were also keeping an eye on U.S. bonds, as the yield on the 10-year Treasury note moved closer to 2.60% after a report that China is considering stopping its U.S. bond buys.

 the S&P has now logged records sessions-or all of the 2018 trading days–tying with 1964 for the longest streak of records to begin a new year.

Yields had jumped 6.2 basis points to 2.542% on Tuesday, its highest level since March, after the Bank of Japan cut its bond purchases, sparking chatter that the Japanese central bank is getting ready to end years of the ultra-loose monetary policy.

Rising yields can be a two-edged sword for stock markets. When the gain comes from a low base, it can signal that investors are becoming more confident about the economic outlook and therefore dumping safe-haven bonds. That fans a risk-on mood–an appetite for riskier investments–in broader markets:if yields rise too fast or too high, that move tends to weigh on the stock market, because it becomes more attractive to invest in the bond market rather than in stocks.

I want you to look on the SP-500:
My assumption is that we are going to see the sp 500 in 2600 points area in the short-medium term
As long as the price holds those numbers the trend is up and its only healthy correction

sp 500 technical analysis
sp 500 analysis

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